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Whom We Serve

As God's word became flesh, so our word must be translated into action. Jesus admonished his followers to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, welcome the stranger, and bring comfort to those who are imprisoned. Through the efforts of its congregations, social service agencies, diocesan ministries and individual believers, the Church of the Holy Family endeavors to help heal a hurting world.

Elders / Seniors / Shut-ins

Even if you are unable to attend the church service, you are still a part of our holy family. Our church provides lay ministers to ensure that you receive communion, or that you have someone to check in on you on a regular basis. If you are homebound, please reach out to Holy Family.

Community Service

Church of the Holy Family is the community's church. We pledge to give back to our community each year by providing services and goods to the community. Learn about some of the ways we give back.


We love to lift our voices and sing! Music is a key part of our 10:30 a.m. Sunday service. Our small, but mighty choir leads the congregation in hymns and, sometimes, you may be delighted with a solo from one of our choir members. We encourage people to join the choir or offer your musical talents in other ways, like playing an instrument.

Prayers of the People

Prayer is a central part of what we do at Church of the Holy Family. When we gather, we pray especially for members of our congregation, the community, and our world. We invite you to request that you or a loved one be added to the prayer list. For emergency prayers, call 708-748- 1100 or email the church email.

Children's Ministry

Our Sunday School is F-U-N-focused! Faith, Unity, and eNgaging in God's Word! Our kids love learning about the Bible together! Right now, Children's Ministry is happening on Facebook. Look for CHF Sunday School to be added. In the summer, Vacation Bible School welcomes not only Holy Family children, but children from the community to sing, learn, and break bread together. 


Our Vestry is a council of members that meet monthly to discuss and make decisions regarding our Church and its mission. The Vestry is elected every January. We invite interested members to speak with a Vestry member to learn about the responsibilities of being a member. Learn More

PLEASE NOTE: Due to COVID-19, much of our programming and worship has changed. Please contact us for updates.

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